

On one hand, this blog could look like the personal rants and ravings of a 30-something single mum living in suburban Australia.

One the other hand it's a deliberately provocative look at many of the issues that I see in my daily life ... issues that are misunderstood, are swept under the rug because they're too uncomfortable, too confronting or just plain too hard. And then there are the issues that no-one wants to publicly discuss - because they're taboo, they rock the boat or good-grief ... 'what will happen if I say that?'.

Here's the thing ... issues that are too uncomfortable or confronting demand our attention - because they're uncomfortable and confronting. And the issues that are 'taboo' - well, when I discuss those issues (modern feminism, masculism (yes, new word), sexuality, relationships just to mention a few), what I hear is 'I thought I was the only one'. Time.and.time.again.

I've always loved a good, respectful, robust conversation. An informed debate. So, that's what I hope this blog will become. A place for such conversation (note the respectful & informed parts). So, spread the word. Share your comments. Comment again and again. And keep coming back.

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